I just finished reading an article about diversity in fashion. How we need more ages, ranges, sizes and nationalities. And there are consent articles about how fashion imagery has caused unhealthy ideals of women's bodies. Don't get me wrong I agree about diversity and I'm not saying fashion is blameless however is fashion being used as a scapegoat?

Women are body conscious, it seems we are always on a diet or trying to lose weight. Anorexia nervosa affects women ten times more then men. This need to slim down has been linked to images of fashion models. And yes models are still unhealthily skinny, and it's time designer stopped makes clothes for the size of child and expect women to fit into them. But fashion is starting to make a change, Mark Fast put a size 14 model on a catwalk, Karl Lagerfeld shot Crystal Renn for Chanel, Milan banned size zero. Have we stopped wanting to skinner? No.

And in honesty, when women and girls talk about how they would ideally like to look they don't say "6 ft 7" smaller cup size and size 0." Boob jobs have increased in the UK and 63% 15 − 19 year olds would rather be glamour models than doctors or teachers. My previous project I looked at the culture of the glamour models and they are fair more airbrushed that fashion images. So why does fashion always gets the blame? It's time fashion stops being the scapegoat, and more focus is taken on glamour. They are the ones projecting unrealistic ideals of women to both girls and guys.
